A downloadable game for Windows

SE-0519, a maintenance sentinel droid that works for Abyss Technologies, a deep-sea research tech company, is deployed on one of their facilities due to a triggered emergency alert by one of the base employees. Upon deployment, the tasks get uploaded to the unit, which must fulfill as many as possible in order to avoid evaluation and a possible suspension and, ultimately, replacement.

Dive into the rich brutalist and minimalistic sci-fi aesthetics and enjoy cyberpunk-esque soundscapes on this first-person exploration game to discover the truth of the incident, escape intricate mazes and jump around platforms while trying out new mechanics to complete all available tasks before leaving the facility.

_ " / S O U N D T R A C K " :  SoundCloud   /   BandCamp

_ " / C R E D I T S " :

 @andreaas3d + @manu_composer


Project is still under development; we are only two people working on the game in our spare time. The game is playable at the moment but it will get polished during the week until the voting for MiniJam 159 ends. Thanks for understanding, hope you enjoy what we have so far and any and all feedback is welcome :)


D E E P F A L L 0.1.03.zip 109 MB
D E E P F A L L 0.1.02.zip 108 MB

Development log

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